The Religious Education Curriculum describes learning entitlement for each student within Brisbane Catholic Education schools. It sets out what young people should be taught and an expectation of the quality of their learning (depth of understanding and sophistication of skills described through achievement standards).
The achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and able to do. They describe expected achievement. Across F-10 the set of achievement standards describe a broad sequence of expected learning.
The sequence of achievement standards within each learning area or subject emphasises the depth of conceptual understanding, the sophistication of skills and the ability to apply essential knowledge expected of students.
The content of the Religion Curriculum P-12 is organised into four interrelated strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Christian Life and Church. Each strand has its own body of knowledge, understanding and skills. Planning for the classroom learning and teaching of religion should balance and integrate all four strands.
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Christian Spiritual Writings and Wisdom
- Trinity: God, Jesus the Christ, Spirit
- Human Existence
- World Religion
- Prayer and Spirituality
- Mission and Justice
- Moral Formation
- Liturgy and Sacraments
- People of God
- Church History
When planning learning and teaching experiences for Religious Education, teachers draw from all four strands to create a meaningful inquiry-based unit of work, with an inquiry question that needs to be answered through the course of the unit. Learning and teaching experiences will draw on knowledge and understanding and religious inquiry skills.
In the Religious Education program emphasis is given to the content that the participating churches hold in common. It is a valuable exercise in fostering the ecumenical nature of the school for teachers, pastors, parents and other members of the wider community to participate in dialogue about their differences.
Additionally, it is expected that after twelve years of schooling, students in Catholic schools will have acquired a familiarity with the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and with the history of the Church. This expectation will be best promoted by regular study and use of the Bible and particular scriptural texts in everyday teaching, as well as the appropriate incorporation of material from particular historical periods into areas of study.
In the classroom learning and teaching of religion, the starting point is the Religion Curriculum P-12. While the emphasis is given to content that the participating churches hold in common, the particularities of each denomination need to be respected. In a true ecumenical spirit, the differences between denominations will also be acknowledged. It is important for students to have the opportunity to experience and understand, at an age-appropriate level, the characteristic emphasis and practices of each of the Christian denominations and the relationship between the various Christian Churches.
Students at Emmaus College participate in the mandated 2.5 hours of Religious Education each week.